Sue Terry Technology at Your Fingertips Student Scholarship - Forms A and C


The awards committee shall utilize the following guidelines to judge applications:
1. Scholastic achievement
2. Sophistication of course of study
3. Essay response
4. Personal/telephone interview at the discretion of the committee
5. Financial need as a tiebreaker
6. Awards committee has the final decision regarding scholarship award
7. At the discretion of the committee, the scholarship award may not be granted
1. Winning student will receive between $250-$1,000 to be provided directly to student to be utilized as they see fit.
2. Winner shall be notified at least two weeks prior to the Annual Conference.
3. The announcement of the winner and the presentation of the scholarship check will occur at the Annual Conference in 2025. It is preferred if the winner is present to receive his/her award. Winner will receive free conference registration to attend the 2025 Annual Conference.
4. Winner will receive a one-year complimentary membership to OCRA.
5. OCRA may, at the discretion of the winner, publish or read the winning essay.
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Students who have been actively engaged in the study of court reporting, either in a school or online program, through theory courses. Students must be a member of OCRA. If applicant is not currently an OCRA member, they may join at any time prior to submission of scholarship application. Applicant must be a resident of the State of Ohio or attending an Ohio-based program, either online or in-person classroom, although permission for an out-of-state applicant may be granted.
APPLICATION: To submit your application for the scholarship please complete the following three steps. All three steps must be completed and received by deadline to be eligible.
STEP ONE: Personal application (Form A) YOU ARE ABOUT TO COMPLETE FORMS A and C
STEP TWO: Nomination form completed by instructor or by any active member of OCRA (Form B). Applicants must return this completed form with their application materials or have instructor/member send to OCRA separately. If the instructor/member nomination form (Form B) is being sent separately from student’s application, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that it is received by OCRA prior to the deadline.
STEP THREE: Your answered essay (Form C). You may send any additional information about yourself, such as a resume or letters of support, that you would like to include by emailing those documents to YOU ARE ABOUT TO COMPLETE FORMS A and C
DEADLINE: DEADLINE EXTENDED: All complete applications must be submitted and received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 14, 2025.

Personal Information
Are you a current OCRA student member?
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Home Address
City State Zip
School Attending

Please list your achievements in the following areas (you may email additional documentation, such as a resume, if desired, to
Course of Study
Scholastic Achievement
Involvement in School Activities
Additional Comments

ESSAY TOPIC: Please answer all questions and limit your response to 700 words or less.
What do you feel the greatest impact of technology will be on the court reporting and captioning profession in the next five years? Why?
Are you submitting additional support documentation to
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